At some point, anyone with any sort of machinery, like loaders, is going to have to replace parts. Things break and short circuit after months or years of use. When looking for these replacement parts you may come across parts that are labeled as remanufactured. What does remanufacturing mean, what is the process, and why is it important? In this blog, we will answer these questions.
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What is Remanufacturing?
Remanufacturing is the economical and environmentally friendly way of building replacement parts for machinery. Remanufacturing takes parts that were previously sold, worn out, or broken and thoroughly rebuilds them. This is done through disassembling, cleaning, repairing, and replacing these parts.
What is the Remanufacturing Process?
There are eight key steps to the remanufacturing process.
- Receiving the originally manufactured core
- Disassembling the core
- Cleaning the parts
- The core and parts are often covered in things like oil or dirt so they must be cleaned to properly assess any damage.
- Assessing the parts’ conditions
- During this step, every part is verified to make sure that it will perform like new once cleaned and fixed.
- Replacing broken or damaged pieces
- This step is when any worn, unusable, or outdated parts are disposed of and replaced with new or refinished parts.
- Assembling the cleaned, inspected, and repaired core parts
- During the assembly process, each part is once again checked to make sure that they are working as good as new or better.
- Rigorous testing to ensure that the remanufactured core works as good or better than new
- Testing is done with a load at 2.5 times the load that it was subjected to during testing when new to ensure not even the smallest amount of wear was missed during the remanufacturing process.
- Returning the part to use
- The remanufactured parts are sold with a new warranty and reinstalled into the machine.
- Once the core is once again broken or unusable the remanufacturing process can begin again.
Why is Remanufacturing Important?
There are several reasons why remanufacturing is important. For the consumer, remanufactured parts are cheaper than buying brand new parts. Remanufactured parts may be cheaper than brand new parts, but they are not any less effective or durable. In some cases, remanufactured parts can also be easier to find, especially for discontinued parts or parts made overseas. This is valuable for consumers who rely on their machines to keep their business running.
Another important benefit to remanufacturing is the lessened environmental impact than manufacturing new parts. Remanufactured parts require fewer raw materials, less energy, and produce fewer emissions than traditional manufacturing.
Remanufacturing is also good for the economy. On average, the remanufacturing industry is worth $75 billion and employs over 180,000 people. Remanufacturing is part of what is called a circular economy, where there is a focus on reusing, refurbishing, and recycling materials.
Loader Parts Source offers a variety of remanufactured parts for our clients. Visit our website today to see our full list of remanufactured parts.